With the popularity of electronic dance music and the increased accessibility of technology more and more people are learning to express themselves and their talents through electronic music. These new producers submit their creations for all the world to see in hopes of becoming one of the next big names in the industry.
The motivation to keep pushing through failures and keep fighting for success can make even a mediocre person extraordinary.
Sadly, sometimes being noticed with such a large influx of new producers can be difficult and a lot of people make some very common mistakes that keep them from reaching their goal. In the following article we will go through 5 of the biggest mistakes new producers make when trying to reach stardom and how you can avoid them.
No drive. As cliche as it sounds, if you want something you have to go get it. Share and talk about your music with everyone you can. Network with as many people as possible. Post your music on forums, EDM blogs, and any website possible. Just keep that drive everyday, all day. The motivation to keep pushing through failures and keep fighting for success can make even a mediocre person extraordinary. The sad truth is a lot of producers just don’t want it bad enough.
Fight for it.
With the popularity of electronic dance music and the increased accessibility of technology more and more people are learning to express themselves and their talents through electronic music. These new producers submit their creations for all the world to see in hopes of becoming one of the next big names ...